Nursecall Messaging Service

NMS - The Nursecall Messaging Service

Nurse Call Messaging Service

NMS is a smart messaging solution that integrates with leading brands of nurse call systems to deliver alerts, messages and notifications to smart phones and tablets, removing the requirement for pagers or dedicated medical devices. Compatible with brands such as Intercall, Quantec, Courtney Thorne, Medicare, Aidcall, ARM, Chubb, eZone and many others - even the oldest of systems can be worked with, meaning there is often no need to upgrade your existing nurse call system!

Reduce response times

Staff no longer need to rush to a central panel or screen to learn of the location and nature of the alert since it’s available on the NMS App which they carry with them. Staff can quickly see who needs assistance and where they are. In addition, NMS system keeps a track of who accepted and how long it took to accept, attend and resolve the request from residents.

Increase satisfaction

By providing a faster response time, residents get a better delivery of care which increases satisfaction. Furthermore, staff performance can easily be measured, helping managers identify key members who excel in performance and also members who perhaps need additional training or coaching. In other words, reducing things which can be missed in the busy day routine.


Over Wi-Fi or LTE

The NMS App can be installed on existing smartphones. However, if you do not have any, we’ll supply the best in class devices that are purpose built for care. The smartphones use your existing WiFi or 4G LTE, meaning mobile staff can still receive alerts!

Industry experts

NMS was developed by industry experts with a proven track record for delivering fit for purpose solutions that just simply work. NMS delivers exactly what it was says on the tin. It’s reliable, dependable and gives carers the information they need.

NMS is compatible with all leading nurse call brands

Our system delivers alerts from nurse call and fire alarm systems to an intelligent app installed on carer's smartphone devices. NMS removes the requirement for staff to carry pagers, which helps reduce the response time to resident calls. This in turn provides accountability and improves the quality of effective care delivered.

Messages are delivered to the NMS App which works on any Android phone. The staff members sign in with their individual credentials to start receiving alerts for the area they are working in. The alerts appear on the App in order of priority in a clear to read, understandable format. Staff can choose 'I will attend' to remove the alert from their device and those of their colleagues. If they choose 'I cannot attend', it removes the alert from their device but colleagues continue to see the alert.

Every message is received, delivered and logged for response times. A powerful reporting tool allows managers to quickly create and deliver reports on staff performance. NMS is vendor-neutral, meaning it works with pretty much most nurse call systems. That means there’s no need to upgrade your current nursecall system! Even if you have multiple care homes, each with a different brand of nurse call, it’s the same NMS App and the same end-user experience.

NMS features a modern and easy to use layout

  • Staff can easily communicate using the built-in chat facility. It’s safe, secure and easy to find staff to engage with. There’s even groups! Messages cannot be deleted by staff and are fully auditable by managers using the cloud dashboard for complete security.
  • The App has another great feature – it’s multi-language! Staff can choose their native language if there is a barrier to understanding terminology in English. This makes staff feel inclusive and assists with their English development.
  • The NMS Nurse Call Integration to Smartphone solution helps staff be more efficient with their time. This results in residents getting their needs met more quickly, leading to overall better satisfaction.
  • After a carer accepts an alert, they can be asked to review the reason for the alert, include the state of the resident, and what action was required. There’s also a ‘general notes’ section which can include key information about the resident’s general health or conditions. This information is then recorded and available for auditing by managers.


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