Intercall Touch Series

Intercall Touch Series

Intercall Touch Series
A stylish and feature-rich nurse call system

Touch Series Brochure
Safeguard Brochure

The Touch Series Nurse call System enables patients and nursing staff to communicate, ensuring the smooth running of hospital and care facilities. It allows staff to assess priorities quicker and gives patients and their family reassurance that help is at hand.

The Touch Series is a UK manufactured modern designed system, using hospital grade materials that house Intercall technical excellence. With industry standard connectivity via TCP/IP and optional Radio Frequency Identification technology (RFID), communication and user experience are at the heart of the Touch Series.

The Touch Series is a UK manufactured and designed care system, using hospital grade materials that house Intercall technical excellence.

Stylish and simple to install, the Touch Series is a modern nurse call system offering easy communication and management of patient care.

Radio Frequency Identification technology is used to identify staff, record actions and control user access, providing security and peace of mind.

The automatic data log records all calls, alerts and responses. It can alert staff to call activity while enabling managers to demonstrate accountability.

Easy to install, the Touch Series is perfect for new builds or renovations, using a combination of the wired and wireless mediums at our disposal. This helps keep both disruptions to patients and residents to a minimum, while keeping unnecessary costs down.

Integration is key with the Touch Series. All products have been designed to work with each other and communicate with other technologies.The Touch Series provides a complete nurse call solution. Its future-proofed adaptability will enable it to grow and adapt in line with your business needs.

Some of the Intercall Touch accessories

Intercall Touch Features:

Multiple speech paths allow more than one conversation to take place at the same time across the system, improving staff communication and speeding up response times.

Both the Call Point Standard and Call Point Plus house an integral LCD display which allows staff to receive calls from a call point at any other location around the building.

RFID readers are housed in all call points and are paired with unique staff RFID cards. This provides a true audit trail of which staff attended to which call and when.

The RFID door monitor point can be integrated into the access control system and take the place of the existing keypad/proximity readers, meaning just one RFID card for nurse call and access control.

The potential to integrate the RFID card into other systems such as payroll or time and attendance is also available to further consolodate the number of systems required around the building.

Every Dispay has key customisable buttons that allow managers to identify their busiest and least busiest staff member, most frequently calling resident and average response times.