974 Intercall Touch Triple Function Pead Lead
IntercallThe 3 Button handset is an extension to the typical nurse call pear lead, with additional buttons which can be individually programmed to generate alternative alerts or switch third party control systems such as lighting through a relay.
The handset features a 3m flexible lead connected directly to the call point for easy operation.
The buttons can be programmed for alerts such as catering or connected to other systems such as lighting control.
Water-resistant and manufactured from hospital grade material for easy cleaning.
The built-in call reassurance LED gives an immediate visual indication that help is on the way.
Technical Specification:
Diameter 49mm
Depth 16mm
Weight 25g
Programmable Buttons 3
Ingress Protection IP54
Reassurance LED
Connection RJ10
Lead 3m
Connection to third party systems via 975 Relay