952 Intercall Touch Call Point Plus
IntercallThe Call Point Plus has all the functionality of the Call Point Standard, with the addition of a full duplex VoIP speech device. The Call Point Plus is ideal for use in most care environments, from larger hospitals to residential care homes and assisted living programmes. Its sleek, wall mounted design is simple to use and is the perfect call assistance device for staff, patients or residents, whether positioned behind the bed or in more general areas. The Call Point Plus allows staff, patients and residents to speak with each other through its VoIP intercom system, offering the instant reassurance of human interaction.
Call Point Plus has multiple programmable levels, including call, accept, priority, catering, assistance and emergency. These can be used to identify whether the patient needs the toilet, is hungry or thirsty, has fallen out of bed or simply requires attention.
Audio-visual display
The system uses wireless Radio Frequency Identification technology (RFID) to identify and track staff attendance, helping keep staff and patients secure. It also has an LCD display to highlight to active calls elsewhere on the system wherever staff maybe.
Locate Staff
The Call Point Plus is installed on a dedicated TCP/IP network, and is individually programmable via its own embedded server. It can act as a central hub, allowing it to be tethered to remote devices such as pull cords and pear leads.
The Call Point Plus has a Code Blue option, vital for Cardiac and A&E wards, in addition to the innovative double push emergency function. The Call Point Plus also features a built-in call reassurance LED, which gives the patient or resident an immediate visual indication that their call has been successfully generated.
Technical Specification:
Height 186mm
Width 106mm
Depth 30mm
Weight 160g
Programmable Closing Contacts 5
RFID Reader for Care Card
RF pairing to Portable devices
Network IEEE802.3af