Emfit Tonic-Clonic Seizure Monitoring

Emfit Tonic-Clonic Seizure Monitor

Peace of mind

Independently verified by the Feinberg School of Medicine

No age/weight limit

Adjustable sensitivity allows the alarm to be used by anyone

Easy to set up

Quick installation with no engineer or training required

2 year warranty

The system is backed by a 2 year return to base warranty


What does it do?

The Emfit Tonic-Clonic Seizure Monitor is designed to detect seizures that occur when someone is in bed and trigger a notification. The system can detect even the slightest of movements, while cleverly differentiating between normal sleeping behaviour, making it suitable for use by anyone - including young children and the elderly.

How does it work?

The seizure monitor consists of a bed sensor mat and a control unit.

The sensor mat is placed under the mattress and detects the movements of the person lying above it, including micro-movements caused by breathing and heart beating. When the system detects a seizure, the control unit begins to alarm.

As the sensor mat is positioned underneath the mattress rather than on top of the bed, the user does not see or feel it and there is no disruption to normal sleeping patterns. The control unit can be placed next to the bed, mounted on the wall or clipped to the bed frame using the included brackets.

Which system is right for you?

Caring for a loved one who suffers from tonic-clonic seizures is an important and stressful task. We offer 3 versions of the Emfit system designed to cover the majority of situations.

The basic system alarms in the clients room, ideal for sleep in carers or for short distance notifications. If you prefer the alarm to be heard in another room, we offer a portable pager that can be placed in a parents bedroom or staff room that will alert you if a seizure is detected. Or if you are in a care home environment, we can connect the Emfit to the nurse call system to fully integrate it into your existing care facilities.


Emfit Basic

This system is used stand alone and the alarm is raised locally in the clients bedroom.

Emfit Basic


Emfit with Pager

This system alarms in another room, such as a carer's bedroom or living room.

Emfit with Pager


Emfit with Nurse Call Lead

This system is designed to connect to a call system in a care home or hospital.

Emfit with Nurse Call Lead


The Emfit monitor also includes an optional bed exit function. When this is enabled, a user who leaves their bed for longer than the pre-set time limit will trigger an alarm.

This is perfect for allowing the user a period of time to go to the bathroom during the night without alerting a carer unnecessarily. If the user returns to bed as planned, no alarm is raised and the timer is reset. If for any reason the user does not return to bed and the system detects the pre-set time has passed, an alarm will be raised so care staff can respond.

Alternatively, if the user should not be out of bed for any reason (for instance, they may be prone to falls or to wandering) the system can alarm immediately to let the carer know they are on the move and are potentially at risk.

What's included?

Emfit Tonic-Clonic Seizure Monitor

The Emfit Tonic-Clonic Seizure Monitor is ready to use right out of the box! There is no specialist training required to set it up and it takes just a few minutes to configure it to the user's needs. Each system includes a comprehensive installation manual, a troubleshooting guide highlighting common issues and a link to a step-by-step video demonstrating how to set up and use the system.


1 x Control Unit
1 x Bed Sensor Mat
1 x Wall Mounting Bracket
1 x Hanging Bracket
1 x User Guide
2 x AA Batteries
1 x 5V Mains PSU

Testimonial of an Emfit customer